COVID-19 Update: Temporary changes at Kids Plus Foundation

Kids Plus is fully committed to client, family and staff safety and wellbeing, and as such we have suspended all face-to-face client sessions until further notice.The decision to suspend client facing services was made after careful consideration of all the information, including the risk to our clients, and the need for social distancing to reduce the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.We will continue to provide services and supports to families utilising technology and non-contact activities. The team have developed individualised plans for each child and family to minimise any disruption.

Ongoing Service Delivery

There are a number of ways we are continuing to provide support, including:- phone calls;- teleconferencing;- email correspondence;- written reports;- equipment applications;- resource development;- general information and advice.

TeleHealth Video Calls

To facilitate remote service delivery, we are using the Microsoft Teams App to provide teleconference sessions with you and your child. If you have not yet been set up with the Microsoft Teams App, please get in touch with your therapy team or reception on 5223 1475.Access Telehealth


In response to COVID-19, the NDIA have announced that:· participant plan meetings can be conducted over the phone· participants who are due for a scheduled plan review, and have a current plan that meets their needs, will be offered a renewal of their current plan budget for up to 24 months· participant plan end dates will be automatically extended by 28 days to remove any gap between new and old participant plans, ensuring continuation of service during the plan review periodTherapists will continue to discuss their plan for service provision with you and will only bill services that are directly related to your child's supports.

Weekly Updates

As you will appreciate, the current situation is a dynamic one, with changes occurring daily. We will be sending weekly updates to keep you informed of developments or change in circumstance.We encourage you to stay connected and engaged with your therapy team and work together to find creative solutions to the current situation. Please feel free to talk to members of your therapy team if you or your family are experiencing added pressures at this time and require additional support.Please keep an eye on your email inbox and in our closed Facebook group for updates (request to join the group here).



At this stage we are planning for services to be delivered remotely—via videoconference, structured home programs, and other technology based consultations—for the full duration of Term 2, or until 26th June 2020.You may have heard the recent announcement from the Victorian Government that all Victorian students are required to learn from home when school resumes. We understand this may increase pressure and demand on family time and resources. The Kids Plus team will be able to work with you to help formulate routines and schedules around some of these other activities and can also support the integration of learning activities specific to your child and situation.




We can all appreciate the need for reliable, accessible and relevant information at this time. Below is information about how to access the new Disability Information Helpline. If the helpline doesn't have the information you need, they will use their connections to find things out and will check the facts to ensure the information is reliable.The Australian Government has launched a new Disability Information Helpline for people with disability, their families, carers, support workers and services who need help because of coronavirus (COVID-19).If you have a COVID-19 related question and do not know where to start, you can contact the Helpline from Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm (AEST) and Saturday and Sunday 9am to 7pm (AEST) in the following ways:· Phone (free call): 1800 643 787· If you are deaf, or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can also call the National Relay Service on 133 677.The Helpline will help connect you with the right service, give you reliable and accessible information, or can connect you with a councillor for emotional support if that is what you need. Visit the Disability Information Helpline page on the Department of Social Services website for more information.

Keep in Touch

If you would like to discuss any matter raised above, and its potential impact for you, please contact Kelly Reynolds, Director Therapy Services, Please reach out to your key worker or Kristy on if you need any further support and help.Please keep up-to-date with health advice from the Department of Health & Human Services here.We've created a post to find further information on supplies, support and activities for children at home here. We will try to keep this page updated as new activities and resources are made aware to us.


COVID-19: Information on supplies, support and kids activities for families


Meet Occupational Therapist, Erin!